Progress Update - 3/10/2018
Some areas I've made progress in have been excluded from this list in order to avoid spoilers. ;)
Progress over the past month...
Fixed a puzzle in the xxxxxxxxx. It's now using an array instead of a single variable. The old way was just nooooot working!
Created the first Pugly cutscenes and began building Pugly's xxxx room.
Created a new character spriteset! (but who?)
I've created almost every asset for the room that features the final cutscene. I nearly forgot how time consuming it is to make an entire room! This includes new spritesets (1/4 completed), new animated portraits (1/4 completed), unique animations for the protagonist (2/2 completed), unique lighting, objects to fill the room, and dialogue/eventing.
Object sprites created: A special tree (featured in an undisclosed location), a broken down car, a new sprite to resemble an object in your inventory, and a new door for the area featured in the final cutscene.
Added more dialogue to Emilie and Alexander so that the player can bug some interesting information out of them.
Been adding layers behind windows that will move when the player walks around to create the illusion of changing perspective.
Fixed layer numbering system for both calling the layers and the layer key. This is purely for organization, but important none the less. I had about 33 layers to sort. During this, I had to write down all of the maps I currently have done and what their numbers were. As it turns out, I'm one map short of 60. Good lord.
Finding and replacing lousy ways of controlling self switches in order to streamline the code.
The lighting has now been completely overhauled! While I am still using Khas's Awesome Light Effects, I've re-made all of the images used for the lighting effects. For a while now, I've been struggling with how the soft shading of the light images I used kind of spoiled the whole "pixel art" style I was going for. Now that I've figured out how to quickly dither large canvases, I decided to take a big step and re-make all of the lighting effects in pixel art! Huzzah!
Here's a look at the new lighting:
